Ginn, Martha Humphries, Kathleen Searles, and Amanda Jones. 2015. "Vouching for the Court? How High Stakes Affect Knowledge and Support of the Supreme Court." Justice System Journal ​36(2): 164-179.

Reid, Rebecca and Kirk A. Randazzo. 2015. "Statutory Language and the Separation of Powers." Justice System Journal.

Masood, Ali S. and Donald R. Songer. 2013. "Reevaluating the Implications of Decision-Making Models: The Role of Summary Decisions in U.S. Supreme Court Analysis." Journal of Law and Courts 1(2): 363-389.

Kimel, TJ and Kirk A. Randazo. 2012. "Shaping the Federal Courts: The Obama Nominees." Social Science Quarterly 93 (December): 1243-1250.

Kassow, Benjamin, Donald R. Songer, and Michael P. Fix. 2012. "The Influence of Precedent on State Supreme Courts." Political Research Quarterly 65(June): 372 - 384.

Sanchez Urribarri, Raul, Susanne Schorpp, Kirk A. Randazzo, and Donald R. Songer. 2011. "Explaining Changes to Rights Litigation: Testing a Multivariate Model in a Comparative Framework." The Journal of Politics 73: 391-405.

Sanchez Urribarri, Raul, Susanne Schorpp, Kirk A. Randazzo, and Donald R. Songer. 2011. "The Support Structure and Sustained Attention to Rights: A Rejoinder." The Journal of Politics 73: 410-411.

Randazzo, Kirk A., Richard W. Waterman, and Michael P. Fix. 2011. "State Supreme Courts and the Effects of Statutory Constraint: A Test of the Model of Contingent Discretion." Political Research Quarterly 64(4): 779-789.

Johnson, Susan W., Donald R. Songer, and Nadia Jilani. 2011. "Judge Gender, Critical Mass, and Decision Making in the Supreme Court of Canada." Journal of Women, Politics and Policy 32: 237-260. 

Jilani, Nadia, Donald R. Songer, and Susan W. Johnson. 2010. "Gender, Consciousness Raising, and Decision Making on the Supreme Court of Canada." Judicature 94: 59-69.

Roy, Dona and Donald R. Songer. 2010. "Does the Attitudinal Model Explain Unanimous Reversals?" The Justice System Journal. 31(3): 342-372.

Fix, Michael P. and Kirk A. Randazzo. 2010. "Judicial Deference and National Security: Applications of the Political Question and Act of State Doctrines." Democracy and Security 6 (Number 1): 1-16.

Barnes Bowie, Jennifer and Donald R. Songer. 2009. "Assessing the Applicability of Strategic Theory to Explain Decision Making on the Courts of Appeals." Political Research Quarterly 62: 393-407.

Savchak, Elisha and A.J. Barghothi. 2007. "The Influence of Appointment and Retention Constituencies: Testing Strategies of Judicial Decisionmaking." State Politics and Policy Quarterly 7(4): 394-415.

Savchak, Elisha, Thomas G. Hansford, Donald R. Songer, Kenneth L. Manning, and Robert A. Carp. 2006. "Taking It to the Next Level: The Elevation of District Court Judges to the U.S. Courts of Appeals." American Journal of Political Science 50: 478-493.

Szmer, John and Donald R. Songer. 2005. "The Effects of Information on the Accuracy of Presidential Assessments of Supreme Court Nominee Preferences."Political Research Quarterly 58: 151-160.

Graduate Publications in Public Law and Judicial Politics

In Print

Songer, Donald R., Mirosleva Radieva, and Rebecca Reid. "Gender Diversity in the Intermediate Appellate Courts of Canada." Justice System Journal
